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Barcelona marbles » Where to use granite and what characteristics does it have??

Where to use granite and what characteristics does it have??

    He granite It has specks scattered over the entire surface and, in many cases, used for kitchen counter, but it has many possible applications. To choose the type of granite you want, it is important to see the complete piece, to determine if you like it in its entirety, both the design and the drawing and the colors. For it, It is important to have specialized help and advice, by a professional stone company.

    Curiosities of granite

    • It is one of the most resistant and hardest materials in the world and the main component of the planet's solid outer layer., that is to say, of the terrestrial head.
    • It amazes sculptors and architects because the pattern and color of each of the stones granite It's unique. They all have different formations and compositions, giving rise to all kinds of variations.
    • It is a type of stone that is formed from volcanic magma and can withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees.

    Granite, achieve great warmth in your home and unique and singular spaces

    Además de para encimeras, he granite can also be found in some bathrooms, for skirting boards or for fireplaces granite, bringing great warmth to the home. Although outside the home, granite is also used for tables, monuments, fuentes, benches… It can also be used for curbs, cobblestones, building facades, walls, columns, floors... We could say that it is a very versatile material that can be used, both for private homes and for public roads. Used for sculpture, interior decoration, mobiliario, construction material, urban furniture, civil works, industry and even for funerary art. He granite It has multiple applications and we can see it on kitchen counters as well as on tombstones and mausoleums..

    In the industry, It is used as a manufacturing material for grinding cylinders., For example, pulp in stationery stores or as oil mills. To this day we still see the importance that granite has had throughout history in Roman times., such as the Segovia Aqueduct or the Alcántara Bridge, paradigmatic vestiges of its presence in the heritage. It is the most abundant igneous rock on the planet, which is formed from terrestrial magma. This natural stone has a high degree of hardness and resistance to erosion.. Granite provides exclusivity and a lot of resistance for architecture and construction.

    In Marbles Barcelona, we offer granite of different types, like Naturamia, designed to create granite countertops following the greatest exclusivity and current trends in decoration and interior design. He granite does not emit harmful gases and, therefore, It is considered an ecological product. It is a renewable resource that can be reused in all types of coatings and flooring.. If you want to know how and where to use this natural stone, puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros.

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