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Combine our range of granite

    Las granite countertops They have great qualities, both physical and design. Normally, They are used in rooms and homes where they are used a lot., since they are very resistant and perfectly withstand any type of use. It is important to know that granite is a natural rock composed of minerals such as quartz., feldspar and mica, among others in less proportion.

    When it comes to maintaining and cleaning this surface we also have it very easy, since it repels stains and it is really easy to remove any type of dirt from its surface. For this reason, he granite It is used in busy places such as countertops of the kitchens.

    Regarding its design, las granite countertops They have a wide range with totally different colors and grains, and many times it is almost impossible to know how we should combine it so that it looks great in our kitchen.. For this reason, In today's article we will talk about how we can combine some granites and give personality to our kitchen.

    Different ranges for granite countertops

    Next, we will see different styles, and the type of material that would best suit each of them. Thus, We will just have to decide what style we want our kitchen to have., and from here we will see that granite countertop we must install to achieve it.

      • Classic: Just because a style is classic doesn't mean it's out of fashion., but rather it is a somewhat more neutral design that we have been used to seeing for some years now.. This type of granite can be: Naples, Hold, Castile White, the Baltic Brown. Any of these will offer us a clean design, but within what is usual for a kitchen.
      • Minimalist: for a minimalist style, we must resort to simplification, so we will opt for the cleanest colors with few or non-existent veins.. These might be: Absolute Black, Pearl Window, o Indigo Blue. And, besides, we place some design objects, we will get a clean kitchen, but with a lot of style.
      • Modern: to continue using the style that the granite countertops, but with a somewhat more innovative look, we can choose: Amarula, Cohiba Brown, Cheyenne, Green Lara. Any of these colors will be ideal for creating a traditional but out of the ordinary look..
      • Breaker: With this material we can also create designs that are totally out of the ordinary in which we use somewhat more risky pieces and colors.. Among these pieces we can find: Clear Lbrador, Dark Warrior, o Iron Black. To accentuate the design we can make stronger and more fun contrasts.

    Once we know these styles, It is time to decide on one and choose the material that best suits our preferences..

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